Most people don’t believe the government efficiently spends taxpayer money


After tense negotiations for weeks, the House of Representatives passed the Fiscal Responsibility Act on Wednesday with a vote of 314-117. It was a rare display of bipartisan support in the nation’s capital as 149 Republicans joined 165 Democrats to pass the bill.

But as Democrats and Republicans in Congress came together for this legislation, a new poll showed that most of the country doesn’t trust the government to spend taxpayer money wisely.


A Rasmussen Reports survey conducted in May revealed that 76% of the country is not sure that the government spends money “wisely and carefully.” It included 62% of all respondents thinking the government didn’t do taxpayers right with spending and 14% being unsure.

It’s a sad commentary on the people’s faith in government spending when nearly three out of every four people don’t believe they are efficient spenders. Incidentally, this is a decrease from 2019, when 77% of people “didn’t believe the government spent taxpayer money wisely and carefully.”

But should anyone be surprised by these sentiments? After reports of billions of dollars of taxpayer money being spent on the war between Ukraine and Russia, many have rightly been critical of how and what the government spends money on.

Many feel using taxpayer money to fund a war between two countries that do not represent any threat to the United States is a gross misuse of funds. Additionally, these feelings were reinforced after revelations that the government spent billions of dollars on left-wing propaganda, such as gender equity programs, in countries worldwide.


Taxpayer money is meant for programs that help people in the country, not abroad. The U.S. shouldn’t be a blank check for the rest of the world’s issues nor should it be spreading political ideas and agendas around the globe.

Each year, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) presents a list of wasteful spending done by the government. When he does so this year, more people will pay attention and start to demand better accountability for where their hard-earned tax money goes. Doing so is the only way to rebuild this lack of trust between the people and how their elected leaders spend taxpayer money. The people deserve better.

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