‘Sean, I Don’t Fly on Private Jets’: Hannity Pushes ‘Environmentalist’ RFK Jr. Disavow Private Jets


Fox News host Sean Hannity’s interview with 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. devolved into an argument on Monday after Hannity repeatedly pushed Kennedy to disavow private jets.

After the two discussed Covid-19 vaccines, Hannity abruptly switched topics and asked the Democratic candidate, “Have you given up all use of private jets because of your environmental views?”

Kennedy laughed and replied, “Are you really going back to this, Sean?” before stating that he had never objected to private jets.

“That’s a simple question. Are you pledging to never… Have you given up the use of private jets?” asked Hannity — who, unlike Kennedy, reportedly owns a private jet — to which Kennedy responded, “Sean, I don’t fly on private jets. I don’t regularly fly on private jets.”

“I’ve never objected to people flying on private jets. I’m not that kind of environmentalist,” Kennedy said.

Despite Kennedy’s repeated insistence that he doesn’t oppose the use of private jets, Hannity pushed on with the question and said, “Listen, I think this climate alarmist stuff is a bunch of crap, so I don’t care if you do or not, but if you’re claiming to be a big environmentalist, you shouldn’t be flying on a private jet, right?”

“I’m not that kind of environmentalist,” Kennedy stated again. “Listen, I have been fighting against pollution on the rivers and water, against coal pollution, against carbon pollution because of the toxicity of those things. I’ve not told people that they shouldn’t fly on private jets.”

“Okay, well listen, we’d love to have you back for a longer discussion,” Hannity concluded before telling Kennedy that he would give him “air time as often as your want” if President Joe Biden continues to refuse to debate Kennedy and other Democratic primary challengers.

Hannity has previously called out “private jet liberals,” and in 2021, he criticized Biden’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry for enjoying “the convenience of his very own private jet” despite his environmentalist position.

Hannity, meanwhile, is reportedly the owner of a private jet, and in 2016 he defended his decision to loan the plane to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich for a meeting with Donald Trump. “Whatever favors I do for my friends is my business,” he said at the time.

Watch above via Fox News.

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