Since the downing of a Chinese spy balloon and a few other unidentified objects, UFOs have been a hot topic across the country, with even the President of the United States addressing the sightings. The UFO community, however, was unimpressed by the recent revelations.

In the summer of 1947, the term “flying saucer” hit the papers for the very first time. And though alien life had been a fascination among certain groups of earthlings for centuries, the coverage sparked an even greater interest in UFOs.

This year, UFO sightings are in vogue once again, but the mainstream discussion of aliens has left many true believers in the UFO community feeling slighted.

From scientists to paranormal investigators to faith-based believers, many in the UFO community hoped the recent reassurances about UFO investigations from Washington meant the government was planning to release its long-held secrets regarding extraterrestrial life. This, however, was clearly not the case.

Because of the mass focus on spy balloons and drones, many worry that every strange aerial phenomenon will be chalked up to a mundane occurrence. John Greenewald, for instance, a paranormal investigator, explained to NBC that while it’s exciting to see UFO conversations hitting a larger audience, the focus is misplaced.

“Now it’s all about balloons and spy craft,” Greenewald said. “And I worry you’ll see waning interest, not only from the American public but from Congress. It’s a shame.”

“When the congressmen and congresswomen were talking about the mystery of UAP, they weren’t talking about Chinese spy craft, they were talking about the mystery,” he continued. “Yes, we should focus on protecting American airspace from spying. But we shouldn’t lose focus on the fact that there really is a part of this phenomenon that really is a mystery.”

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