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NBC, MSNBC employees plan walkout in protest of layoffs

It’s the latest major labor action to strike a national news organization in recent months as the media industry faces headwinds and cut-backs

February 8, 2023 at 9:40 a.m. EST
NBC headquarters at 30 Rockefeller Center in New York City. (Gary Hershorn/Corbis/Getty Images)
3 min

More than 200 employees of NBC represented by the NewsGuild of New York plan to walk off the job for 24 hours on Thursday to signal frustration with the company’s decision to lay off seven union-covered journalists last month.

The NBC News Digital union has filed an unfair labor charge with the National Labor Relations Board over the cuts, which it described as abrupt and illegal, as well as a claim that some digital staffers for MSNBC were told by management that they were no longer part of the union.