The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Billionaires in blue states face coordinated wealth-tax bills

Some measures are based on Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s proposals to make the super-rich pay more

January 17, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. EST
A black and white Monopoly board is shown on a white background. One square, highlighted in blue, says "SALT Repeal" and shows a car and diamond ring.
(Washington Post illustration; iStock)
7 min

Left-leaning proponents of taxing the assets held by America’s billionaires have a new target: In lieu of a federal wealth tax, state lawmakers want to tax billionaires where they live, in states like California, Washington and New York.

A group of legislators in statehouses across the country has coordinated to introduce bills simultaneously in seven states later this week, with the same goal of raising taxes on the rich.