Food & Drink

Candy corn contains a disgusting ingredient made from insects

If you already don’t like candy corn, this video won’t change your mind. If you still like the Halloween treat after seeing what goes into making it, then that is even scarier.

A resurfaced video produced by Business Insider shows that candy corn may actually be a trick, not a treat after all.

The seasonal snack isn’t just made of sugar. It’s actually made up of many ingredients, including corn syrup, confectioner’s glaze, salt, dextrose, gelatin, sesame oil, artificial flavor, honey and three different food colorings.

These may not seem too abnormal for candy, but it’s worth noting that gelatin is a protein derived from animal parts like hides and bones. So, no, candy corn is not vegan-friendly.

But it’s the next ingredient that may have many reaching for a barf bag. Candy corn’s slick outside coating is made from “lac-resin” — which is a secretion from tiny red Asian insects called lac bugs.

The ingredient also causes candy corn to turn hard and be left in open bowls throughout the Halloween season.

A resurfaced clip shows what goes into candy corn — and it’s disgusting. YouTube/Tech Insider
Gelatin, a candy corn ingredient, is a protein made from animal parts like hides and bones. YouTube/Tech Insider
Turns out there’s more to candy corn than food coloring and sugar. YouTube/Tech Insider
Lac bug larvae feed on tree sap, which leaves behind goo called encrustations. YouTube/Tech Insider

The outlet also states that each piece of candy corn contains around 7.5 calories and little to no nutritional value. Sesame oil is the only ingredient with any nutritional value since it contains lots of vitamin E.

“So whether you love or hate candy corn, you can’t deny that it does nothing for you,” the text in the video reads.

McDonald’s lovers were also disgusted earlier this week when they got a behind-the-scenes look at the “nasty” process behind the McRib burger.